The Charity - Tiny Lives Trust

I am doing this challenge for charity.. but not just any charity.. The Tiny Lives Trust. They are an amazing charity who do many things for parents of premature and sick babies at the RVI in Newcastle upon Tyne.

The reason why I am supporting them is because they supported us.. we were one of those parents..

Our baby (or not so much a baby now) Islay was born premature and spent 2 weeks in hospital and under the care of the incredible staff at ward 35 of the RVI.. the Special Care Baby Unit.. a place of highs and extreme lows.. where each person who leaves is united in a sheer appreciation of the hard work and dedication of the staff and respect for our little fighters.. some of whom unfortunately grow their angel wings too early.. but all of them fighters.

There's a short video below which really outlines their work and shows every aspect of the help they offer so please take a look :)

This is a taster of what this is all about and why I am doing it.. full story to come later :)

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