Wednesday, 23 September 2015

362 miles to go..

Hello all,

The sports bra and trainers have been donned again and I have now covered 3 miles out of the 365 miles needed over the next 51 weeks.

When I first thought about this challenge.. I didn't really consider how far that was.. and now that I am ALMOST 1% there.. it seems very daunting!

My running log

I have joined a ladies beginners running club which is in Whitley Bay every Monday evening. The course is 10 weeks and the hope is that I will learn some new skills and learn how to run longer distances. 

I was really worried about going to a running club.. they fill me with dread that they may be full of the Mo Farah's and Paula Ratcliffe's of this world and these 'beginners' are only able to run a marathon a month... u know the types I mean.. However, I couldn't be more wrong.. I turned up with a lot of other anxious ladies leaving their cars like some sort of gazelle (yeah I wish) looking out for a lion.. being very cautious and looking a bit lost! ha ha 

The teacher is very welcoming.. she was very supportive and I found the class a breath of fresh air.. it was motivating and I was not out of my depth at all.. I managed to run the mile without stopping and was chuffed that running with the other ladies encouraged me not to stop.. it also helped with my feeling self conscious.. I always worry that I look 'odd' running or just like a fat lass having a go.. but not in the group.. it felt nice :)

And look.. proof that I survived.. 

woop.. first night of running club

Yes I appreciate that my face looks a similar colour to my top.. I have always been a bit of a tomato when I run.. and I sound like darth vader's asthmatic cousin but still.. 

I am going to try for another run tonight and get some more confidence.. I wish I could run more with my hubby but he has to stay home and look after Islay (our little girl) because its a bit late to have her out running.. that and she cant walk yet.. let alone run!! ha ha 

As for page views.. I am now over 1,000.. which is amazing.. the running community is certainly very supportive and I am very grateful for that. 

Thanks also to those who have sponsored me so far.. I have had one generous anonymous big thank you if that is you out their in blog-reading world.. if you haven't but would like to sponsor me then please click here :) 

And if you haven't checked out the amazing charity I am punishing.. I mean running for.. then please do.. it means a lot to me and my family and a lot of people out there :) 

362 miles to go.. 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Go Go Go...

Well I can now officially say that I am off.. 

After not running one step for about 3 years or so.. I have taken the plunge and completed my first mile! woop

My first mile :)

I want everyone who's reading this to remember that i am NOT a runner.. this is not normal and my body has now entered a state of shock.. ha ha Incidentally.. the trainer spiders will have to find a new home in some other form of shoes I don't use that often.. maybe the summer sandals..(where did that summer go?!)

For those of you who know me well.. u know that I am a self conscious kind of a gal.. I don't like people staring at me.. doing things.. like.. oh yeah.. RUNNING! so to have to go out on my own (hubby was looking after a sleeping Islay) (I ran after work), with just my phone for company (I couldn't find any headphones) and my thoughts.. it's never a good thing! Especially when you see a group of charvas (radgies, chavs, ned, chavette or here for definition to help my international friends). 

I tried to look effortlessly graceful as I swiftly changed direction to avoid them! I managed it (the avoiding.. not the graceful bit..) 

Anyway.. back to the point.. my hubby has always told me that you should try and keep running even if its slower than a snail walking.. just the act of running helps your mental state and I know that if I try and walk for a bit.. getting going on the running part is so much harder! Please don't all run (loving the pun) in and say that my approach is wrong.. for a smaller distance like a mile.. I think it works.. at least it worked for me last night so that's the main thing. 

I am really shocked by the number of page views I have got so far.. it's amazing that so many people want to know what I am doing. 

If you haven't already.. have a click at the top of the page on the challenge bit or the charity bit and have a look around.. there is also a handy 'sponsor me' bit.. would be great if you could click that too!! ha ha 

I have had a couple of donations now.. woop!! So thank you for that!! If you would like to sponsor me then please click here :) all pennies appreciated!! I need to get to my target of £365 for Tiny Lives Trust

So, I felt ok after the run and today (I ran yesterday) I am still alive (yey.. go me!!) and not walking like I have been shot in the leg (bonus).. I might go out again tonight and see how I get on.. Just to say.. I don't record the warm down walking I do after I hit the mile mark or any I do before I start :) Just the main bits :) 

And so the countdown begins.. 364 miles to go.. 


Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Ready and set..

Today has been an exciting day in the planning of the challenge.. during my lunch hour at work, I trotted along to get kitted out.

I am now fully prepped.. got my outfits, my good trainers ( I have sent an eviction notice to the trainer spiders) and an excellent sports bra (a definite must for those of us in the bigger bust category!!) (sorry boys.. but they won't look after themselves.. ha ha)

I have been thinking about the best way to plan my training for my challenge.. 365 miles in 365 days is no easy feat.. the more I think about doing it, the more nervous I get.. I think I need to get the first mile out of the way and then I will feel much better..

I have joined a local running group for beginners which starts on 21st.. I have a gym membership ( I am planning on doing more fitness then just running.. need to tone those gluts up to thrust me around the course of the GNR!)

I have started to speak to some knowledgeable runner types on twitter and my friends who run and am also going to do ParkRun, which are local 5k's held every Saturday morning which are timed. I am going to keep logging my times and miles using an app on my phone called Runkeeper so you, and I can see the progress.

Timing is going to be the hard one. I work 4 days a week in a demanding job, have a 13 month old, and I am doing a distance learning masters in commercial law. So yes I am crazy.. yes it's going to be hard work..but I want to do this for Tiny Lives Trust because I am so passionate about what they do and to help them to support more families like ours.

Talking of which, I now have my sponsorship page up if anyone would like to donate.. its
So far.. only my baby Islay has donated.. ha ha Thanks to her daddy and my hubby Gordon for helping her with that one! The donations are off.. and my target is £365. I would love to get to that before doing the GNR so please help me to do that

If you would like to follow me on twitter and give me some advice (all of which is welcome) then please do, @mrsarcticride

Finally, I am really chuffed with all of you who are taking time and interest in my blog. I have never done anything like this before and already have had almost 500 page views!!

365 miles to go...

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Behind the blisters..

Now I don't know about anyone else, but blisters and sore achy muscles are not really my thing...

my challenge.. my 365 miles in 365 days is going to be difficult.. I am not just doing it for the sheer joy of completing it..although there had better be something tasty and edible at the end (I mean chocolate by the way.. dirty minds!!)

I am doing this challenge for charity.. but not just any charity.. The Tiny Lives Trust. They are an amazing charity who do many things for parents of premature and sick babies at the RVI in Newcastle upon Tyne.

The reason why I am supporting them is because they supported us.. we were one of those parents..

Our baby (or not so much a baby now) Islay was born premature and spent 2 weeks in hospital and under the care of the incredible staff at ward 35 of the RVI.. the Special Care Baby Unit.. a place of highs and extreme lows.. where each person who leaves is united in a sheer appreciation of the hard work and dedication of the staff and respect for our little fighters.. some of whom unfortunately grow their angel wings too early.. but all of them fighters.

There's a short video here which really outlines their work and shows every aspect of the help they offer so please take a look :)

This is a taster of what this is all about and why I am doing it.. full story to come later :)

Where it all begins..

Where to begin.. it's always the hardest to start these things.. I'm sat staring at the page and wondering which piece of me you want to know.. ok.. so let me introduce myself..

My name is Kirsty.. phew that wasn't so hard.. ok.. I'm 30 years old and live in the North East of England, just outside of Newcastle.

I have an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter who was born in August 2014 and is the light of our lives. I am a solicitor who specialises in mental health law and.. well... that's probably about it. I am a normal lass really who likes hanging out with friends, taking my little one to baby classes and chat to other mummies about their yummy babies.

I have a lot of friends who have ran the Great North Run in the last few years and every year leading up to it, you suddenly get your facebook wall clogged with photos and panicked posts about needing to go for runs and the streets are littered with runners whipping out their new trainers straight from the box to 'wear them in' 2 days before the run.. and their utility belts filled with energy enhancing goodies.

I respect people like this, I respect their balls for getting up and running, the level of dedication that it takes and the effort people go to to raise money for charity.

Today is Sunday 13th September 2015.. the day of the Great North Run.. some of my amazing friends just ran the race and I watched one of them progressing on her live tracking app.. it was amazing.. I felt overwhelmed with pride and had butterflies watching her little logo move along the long 13.1 mile track.. I watched it on tele and hoped that I would see someone I knew running (yes I appreciate there were 55,000 odd people running.. but still.. most of them were on my facebook newsfeed over the last few weeks!! ha ha)

This made me think.. it made me think about what I was doing.. today I have been doing all the normal things you do on a Sunday.. faff about.. make food.. play games with my little girl.. feed her. change her nappy.. we went to the beach.. just a normal Sunday.. but then I thought about what my friends were doing.. they were putting everything they had.. every fibre of their being into completing a great challenge.. that would see them raise hundreds of pounds for charity.. and change other people's lives.. they had worked so hard over the last few months or longer so that others could be helped by the charities they raise money for.

Now, I am no stranger to fund raising.. but I wanted to do something a bit outside the box.. so I decided that I need to do the Great North Run next year.. hmm... I hear you saying.. that sounds great but it's not exactly out of the box is it.. well.. the plot thickens.. here's my plan..

I am going to run 365 miles in 365 days culminating in running the Great North Run 2016 as my final race!

I am no runner.. I have ran in the past.. I did about 4 years ago and my trainers probably haven't been seen since.. I think I may need to blow the cobwebs off and disturb the 3rd generation of trainer spider off in order to use them.. but I'm going to do it.. I'm going to track all of my progress and will keep you up to date.

I really wanted to call this page 'run fat lass run' but my husband wouldn't let me.. I'm no svelte lass you find on the covers of runners world and am far more likely to be seen with a naughty treat than anything else.. I'm nervous, I'm excited and I just hope that I can make it.. I will be running it for charity ( I will do a separate blog on that.. I need to get the page views up. ha ha)

I really hope my friends realise that you have made me do this by inspiring me.. you know who you are.. and would love you to come and join me for this adventure .. 365 miles to go..