Thursday, 17 September 2015

Go Go Go...

Well I can now officially say that I am off.. 

After not running one step for about 3 years or so.. I have taken the plunge and completed my first mile! woop

My first mile :)

I want everyone who's reading this to remember that i am NOT a runner.. this is not normal and my body has now entered a state of shock.. ha ha Incidentally.. the trainer spiders will have to find a new home in some other form of shoes I don't use that often.. maybe the summer sandals..(where did that summer go?!)

For those of you who know me well.. u know that I am a self conscious kind of a gal.. I don't like people staring at me.. doing things.. like.. oh yeah.. RUNNING! so to have to go out on my own (hubby was looking after a sleeping Islay) (I ran after work), with just my phone for company (I couldn't find any headphones) and my thoughts.. it's never a good thing! Especially when you see a group of charvas (radgies, chavs, ned, chavette or here for definition to help my international friends). 

I tried to look effortlessly graceful as I swiftly changed direction to avoid them! I managed it (the avoiding.. not the graceful bit..) 

Anyway.. back to the point.. my hubby has always told me that you should try and keep running even if its slower than a snail walking.. just the act of running helps your mental state and I know that if I try and walk for a bit.. getting going on the running part is so much harder! Please don't all run (loving the pun) in and say that my approach is wrong.. for a smaller distance like a mile.. I think it works.. at least it worked for me last night so that's the main thing. 

I am really shocked by the number of page views I have got so far.. it's amazing that so many people want to know what I am doing. 

If you haven't already.. have a click at the top of the page on the challenge bit or the charity bit and have a look around.. there is also a handy 'sponsor me' bit.. would be great if you could click that too!! ha ha 

I have had a couple of donations now.. woop!! So thank you for that!! If you would like to sponsor me then please click here :) all pennies appreciated!! I need to get to my target of £365 for Tiny Lives Trust

So, I felt ok after the run and today (I ran yesterday) I am still alive (yey.. go me!!) and not walking like I have been shot in the leg (bonus).. I might go out again tonight and see how I get on.. Just to say.. I don't record the warm down walking I do after I hit the mile mark or any I do before I start :) Just the main bits :) 

And so the countdown begins.. 364 miles to go.. 


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