Wednesday, 23 September 2015

362 miles to go..

Hello all,

The sports bra and trainers have been donned again and I have now covered 3 miles out of the 365 miles needed over the next 51 weeks.

When I first thought about this challenge.. I didn't really consider how far that was.. and now that I am ALMOST 1% there.. it seems very daunting!

My running log

I have joined a ladies beginners running club which is in Whitley Bay every Monday evening. The course is 10 weeks and the hope is that I will learn some new skills and learn how to run longer distances. 

I was really worried about going to a running club.. they fill me with dread that they may be full of the Mo Farah's and Paula Ratcliffe's of this world and these 'beginners' are only able to run a marathon a month... u know the types I mean.. However, I couldn't be more wrong.. I turned up with a lot of other anxious ladies leaving their cars like some sort of gazelle (yeah I wish) looking out for a lion.. being very cautious and looking a bit lost! ha ha 

The teacher is very welcoming.. she was very supportive and I found the class a breath of fresh air.. it was motivating and I was not out of my depth at all.. I managed to run the mile without stopping and was chuffed that running with the other ladies encouraged me not to stop.. it also helped with my feeling self conscious.. I always worry that I look 'odd' running or just like a fat lass having a go.. but not in the group.. it felt nice :)

And look.. proof that I survived.. 

woop.. first night of running club

Yes I appreciate that my face looks a similar colour to my top.. I have always been a bit of a tomato when I run.. and I sound like darth vader's asthmatic cousin but still.. 

I am going to try for another run tonight and get some more confidence.. I wish I could run more with my hubby but he has to stay home and look after Islay (our little girl) because its a bit late to have her out running.. that and she cant walk yet.. let alone run!! ha ha 

As for page views.. I am now over 1,000.. which is amazing.. the running community is certainly very supportive and I am very grateful for that. 

Thanks also to those who have sponsored me so far.. I have had one generous anonymous big thank you if that is you out their in blog-reading world.. if you haven't but would like to sponsor me then please click here :) 

And if you haven't checked out the amazing charity I am punishing.. I mean running for.. then please do.. it means a lot to me and my family and a lot of people out there :) 

362 miles to go.. 

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