Friday, 2 October 2015

When life gets in the way..

I didn't take on this challenge lightly.. I knew that it would be a big commitment and that's part of the reason why I am doing it. I'm not used to running.. I'm not used to training or going to the gym and so this is additional to the rest of my busy schedule.. and sometimes life does get in the way.. this week has been one of those weeks.

After powering (in the way a tortoise would power through treacle) through the first few miles.. I hit my first stumbling block.. that little thing called life!! to me this blog is about the long haul for this challenge.. it's the good, the bad and the ugly (several running selfies)... so here it is..

I have been ill this week so I missed running club which I don't think set me off right.. It wasn't just a cold or wo-man-flu but a bug of some kind. Either way.. I couldn't go.

Also, Gordon has been away for 2 full days this week down to London.. I usually go for a run in the evenings after Islay has gone to bed but as Gordon wasn't about until late evening then I couldn't.. I mean I want to go for a run but not to run away from the boogie man (wait.. is it boggie or boogie.. I mean the scary one not some 70's dancing man with flares.. although that would be scary too.. lol) Anyway.. I digress.. so yes.. that's taken out some more of the week..

And then of course there is work..I don't just mean the usual workload or even more than the usual work load.. As some of you know, I am a mental health solicitor who works for Blavo & Co Solicitors.. and if you know that then you will also know that i LOVE my job.. I really do.. I don't want to make all you job haters out there jealous.. but its really true.. anyway.. so I work in the confines of the Legal Aid Agency and due to some issues, a problem with them has led to a notice about redundancies being made in my firm.. this has made me more than a little concerned and.. I admit.. panic and worry has set in.. my mummy and wife protective head has kicked in and I am trying to protect my brood.

I don't know what is going to happen with this.. and I am the sort of person who, when feeling overwhelmed.. goes in on myself.. I don't drink (I would like to but I am still breast feeding my little one) and due to her dairy and soya allergies.. I can't even swim in a bucket of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.. so there you have it.. its not a list of excuses... its the truth of this week so far.. but then something lovely happened.. I received a package in the post which was so well timed (Thanks Louise) which I am grateful for.

Tiny Lives Trust, the charity I am supporting sent me these..

Aren't they fab!!! The top one is a lovely t-shirt for me and also one for Islay.. the one for Islay will be too big at the moment but I will get a picture of her in it showing her support! And a running vest.. I was really chuffed that they had taken the time to send me these and it has given me some renewed vigor.. I need to pop them on and proudly and majestically (well maybe not majestically) go for a run and test drive the running vest!!

I will take a pic of me in it as well so you can all be jealous.. he he

So fingers crossed this weekend and the next week will be better.. I'm going to get out today and see if my new running vest makes me go faster!!

Thanks for all your support and keep thinking positive running thoughts please!! :D


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